Scott's Approach to Therapy

Scott's Approach to Therapy
Eclectic with purpose
The Initials after my name stand for Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I was trained intensly in an appropach to counseling that takes very serious the relationships in which live, move, and engage throughout our lives. This is the CORE of my work. At the same time, I have developed an approach to therapy over the years that is best described as Eclectic.
I never liked the phrase eclectic to refer to therapy because it sounded like you made things up as you went along. However this is not the case. I find creative and imaginative ways to blend a family systems understanding of human behavior with brief dynamic approaches designed to build insight into your life and what that means for you and/or your family and relationships. I also integrate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to assist my clients in developing powerful and effective skills designed to produce profound and long-lasting change. At the heart of this approach is YOU!

I am concerned about you- my client sitting in front of me! SO, my approach is indeed Eclectic:
It means I use what I need to to connect with you or your child.
It means I ask curious questions, think out-loud, tell lots of stories, use metaphors, laugh with you, but never at you.
It means I am creative, whimsical, move around, challange gently and push you to be the best version of yourself.
It means I am not afraid of silence during our sessions, that I tear up when people tell me their stories of tradgedy or triumph.
It means that I am less concerned with labels and the world of diagnosis (they have their place and can be helpful at times) and more concerned with how you see yourself, your relationships, your place in the world and where you would like to be tomorrow, the next day, and the days and years after that.
Practicing Eclectic Therapy as a therapist means I will pull out all the "stops" to assist you and the ones you love to build insight and the skills to be the best version of yourselves.